Tuesday, August 05, 2008


My dear old grandfather, aka bhava, passed away yesterday, August 4th, in India.
His birthday would have been on the 5th. He was 103 years old. I already feel like I've seen so much life, imagine what he would have, having lived three of my lifetimes and then another 13 years. His passing away would mean many things to many many people whose life he has touched. I can only imagine.

We are just back in the US, and it is sad to hear of the event. I don't know whether to feel happy for his long life, sad for the loss, or frustrated at our distance. Just feeling a little numb right now. While events like this happen in everyone's life, it is difficult to go on with normal life after a phone call like this. Yet, one is forced to.

Bhava - you lived a long and inspiring life, and you've taught me many many things. I will miss you. We are lucky, we met you two weeks ago and got to talk to you for so long, and got your blessings.


bubbles said...

You are right on the lucky part.

Hope you feel better soon!

Harini Sridharan said...

Oh I'm sorry to hear of the loss.

I'm sure he lived a very fruitful and beautiful life.